Plotting Grid Cell Flow

Trajectories can be discretized into grid cells and the average flow from each grid cell to its neighbor can be plotted with plot_flow(), eg:

traja.plot_flow(df, kind='stream')

plot_flow() kind Arguments

See the gallery for more examples.

3D Surface Plot

traja.plotting.plot_surface(trj: TrajaDataFrame, bins: Optional[Union[int, tuple]] = None, cmap: str = 'viridis', **surfaceplot_kws: dict) Figure[source]

Plot surface of flow from each grid cell to neighbor in 3D.

  • bins (int or tuple) – Tuple of x,y bin counts; if bins is int, bin count of x, with y inferred from aspect ratio

  • cmap (str) – color map

  • surfaceplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for plot_surface()


Axes of quiver plot

Return type

ax (Axes)

3D plot

Quiver Plot

traja.plotting.plot_quiver(trj: TrajaDataFrame, bins: Optional[Union[int, tuple]] = None, quiverplot_kws: dict = {}, **kwargs) Axes[source]

Plot average flow from each grid cell to neighbor.

  • bins (int or tuple) – Tuple of x,y bin counts; if bins is int, bin count of x, with y inferred from aspect ratio

  • quiverplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for quiver()


Axes of quiver plot

Return type

ax (Axes)

traja.plot_quiver(df, bins=32)
quiver plot

Contour Plot

traja.plotting.plot_contour(trj: TrajaDataFrame, bins: Optional[Union[int, tuple]] = None, filled: bool = True, quiver: bool = True, contourplot_kws: dict = {}, contourfplot_kws: dict = {}, quiverplot_kws: dict = {}, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs) Axes[source]

Plot average flow from each grid cell to neighbor.

  • trj – Traja DataFrame

  • bins (int or tuple) – Tuple of x,y bin counts; if bins is int, bin count of x, with y inferred from aspect ratio

  • filled (bool) – Contours filled

  • quiver (bool) – Quiver plot

  • contourplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for contour()

  • contourfplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for contourf()

  • quiverplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for quiver()

  • ax (optional) – Matplotlib Axes


Axes of quiver plot

Return type

ax (Axes)

traja.plot_contour(df, filled=False, quiver=False, bins=32)
contour plot

Contour Plot (Filled)

traja.plot_contour(df, filled=False, quiver=False, bins=32)
contour plot filled

Stream Plot

traja.plotting.plot_stream(trj: TrajaDataFrame, bins: Optional[Union[int, tuple]] = None, cmap: str = 'viridis', contourfplot_kws: dict = {}, contourplot_kws: dict = {}, streamplot_kws: dict = {}, **kwargs) Figure[source]

Plot average flow from each grid cell to neighbor.

  • bins (int or tuple) – Tuple of x,y bin counts; if bins is int, bin count of x, with y inferred from aspect ratio

  • contourplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for contour()

  • contourfplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for contourf()

  • streamplot_kws – Additional keyword arguments for streamplot()


Axes of stream plot

Return type

ax (Axes)

traja.plot_contour(df, bins=32, contourfplot_kws={'cmap':'coolwarm'})